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The triumph of the Sephardic Adventure Camp can easily be attributed to the numerous people who have over its 50-year history enthusiastically given so much of their time and energy. No other person embodied this spirit of volunteerism and compassion for the hundreds of children who have attended SAC quite like Leah (Lily) Azose (Aleha A'Shalom). We are so fortunate as a community to have had such a wonderful person sharing her warm light with us for so many years – a light which is still burning brightly in our hearts and to whose memory we honor with your donation.

The Leah Azose Memorial Camp Fund ensures the future of the Sephardic Adventure Camp and ultimately serves to build the cultural character of our children, an enduring tradition that she so proudly sought to maintain.

How to Donate
Click here to download and print the donation form.  You may fill out the form online before printing.  Upon completion, make your check payable to the “Sephardic Adventure Camp” and send your form and payment to: SAC, P.O. Box 1248, Mercer Island, WA 98040.

Your generous gift to SAC enables you to honor a loved one as well as the memory of Leah Azose. Additionally, you may choose to sponsor a camper or a specific event, or simply give to the camp’s general operating fund. See the donation form for more details.

Recent Donors
Over the years, we have received generous donations from many individuals, families, and organizations wishing to honor the memory of those closest to them and who understand the long-term, positive impact that SAC has on our children.

We would like to thank the following Summer 2009 donors who, through their generous contributions, preserve the continuity of our camp and enabled another successful year of Sephardic adventure.

Audrey and David Aboulafia
Carlos and Meryl Alcabes
Jon Alder
Lori Alder
Isaac Alhadeff
Mary and David Alhadeff
Susan and Victor Alhadeff
Jack and Adina Almo
Simon and Amy Amiel
Jeff and Dalia Amon
Sol and Tillie Amon
Dave Azose
Helene and Morris Azose
Jack Azose
Liz Azose and Dave Balint
Rae Azose
Morris and Sharon Babani
Beth and Adam Balkany
Albert Behar
David and Jamileh Behar

Dana and Rena Behar
Isaac Behar
Michael and Carol Behar
Norman and Lisa Behar
David and Sigrid Benezra
Marc and Lori Ben-Ezra
Amir and Gail Ben-Meir
Esther Ben-Meir
Alan Benoliel
Michael and Rinah Benoliel
Victoria and David Benoliel
Diana Black
Donna and Richard Brownstein
Rochelle Romano-Bush
Jack and Sharlene Calvo
Morris and Jewel Capeluto
Ralph Capeluto
Jerome Cohen
Michael Cohen and Lauren Warshal-Cohen

Orville Cohen
Sal Cohen
Serena Cohen
Sue Cohen
Greg Eisen and Charlene Souriano
Deanne and Donald Etsekson
Lela and Harley Franco
Jay and Miriam Frimer
Ilya and Cynthia Gamel
Robert and Leah Gladstein
Dov and Lenore Gelman
Eddie and Marguerite Hasson
Robert and Barbara Hasson
Harry and Selma Hemmat
Jack and Faina Israel
Menache Israel
Virginia and Sol Israel
Susan Jensen
Jerry Kaye
Dr. Elie and Miriam Levy

Albert Maimon
Joy and David Maimon
Mike and Akemi Marshall
Benjamina and Jacob Menashe
Dr. Joseph and Becky Mezistrano
Sam and Sharon Mezistrano
Eric and Melissa Monsowitz
Jacob and Tanya Owen
Ruben Owen
Dave and Becky Romano
Chaim and Anna-Aliza Rosenbaum
Kenny Sartain
Michael and Kandy Schwartz
Rita Sikavi
Naomi and Jeffrey Solam
Mathew Stahl
Rabbi Rob Toren
Elie Varon
Dr. Michael Varon
Dr. Zev Young

Congregation Ezra Bessaroth
Congregation Ezra Bessaroth Endowment Fund
Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation
Sephardic Bikur Holim Ladies Auxiliary
Seattle Sephardic Brotherhood

Foundation For Jewish Camping
Samis Foundation
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Jewish Family Services

Amon Fish Market
QFC University Village
Grocery Outlet
Grays Harbor YMCA
Camp Bishop


Click here to download and print the donation form.