Finding Good Fortune Right Here at SAC!
“De Tu Patada Veremos Hayre”, or “Through your Step” you will Find Fortune” was the theme for summer 2022 at SAC. Now, coming up with a meaningful theme is one thing, but getting campers to connect to a theme is another thing. In fact, a camp theme is only as good as the camp program […]
Coca en la Boka – A Unique SAC Tradition Described
How can we describe our Coca en la Boka program? Let’s see…. It might be better to paint the scene… Picture a group of campers heading out of their bunks at 7:30am in the morning, even before tefillah! They are still crusty-eyed from slumber, some still in their pajamas. Yet they are drawn to the […]
SAC by the Numbers….Who’s Who at SAC 2022?
Just who makes up our SAC 2022 camp community this year? We want to share some stats with you to answer that question, and give you a sense of our reach! For starters, we have 117 campers this year which is our record for recent history! Out of the 117, 53 are girls […]
How Camper, Tal Varol ended up at SAC
When you Google the words “Seattle, Sephardic, and Camp” guess what shows up in the browser? That’s right! But that’s no surprise considering Sephardic Adventure Camp is not just the only Sephardic overnight camp in Seattle, but the only one in the nation! In any case, this is exactly the same search Hayim Vitaly Varol […]
The Joy of Allegra’s Bat Mitzvah at SAC
Two years ago in 2019, Allegra Isaac, then 11, and her 9-year-old brother David ventured to SAC for the first time from their hometown of Oakland, CA. They knew not a single camper at SAC prior to their arrival, and due to some homesickness challenges, things were honestly a bit rocky at the beginning. But […]