Directly from the Director
Directly from the Director: Parents — I can’t believe one week has flown by up here in sunny Shelton, WA. It started out with some serious rain, but even more serious energy at camp. This week has been filled with many memorable experiences- some new to SAC and some old. Campers enjoyed making wind-chimes in […]
First Annual Nona and Papu Day
Sephardic Adventure Camp is a truly spectacular organization. It is proof that a small group of individuals passionate about sponsoring Jewish growth and continuing Sephardic tradition can make tremendous impacts on many generations of campers and families. Started in 1955 with collaborated efforts from Sephardic Bikur Holim and Ezra Bessaroth, the camp had a mission […]
Am Yisrael Chai, Israel and S.A.C at 65!
Do you know what the five holy cities in Israel are? Can you name at least three of the vast number of innovations created in Israel? Ever heard this song by the Y-Studs? The answers to these questions are just a few of the things that Sephardic Adventure Campers learned during Israel Day programming today. […]
Spotlight on Sessions
Today during their bunk activity, the G4 girls gained some journalism experience by formulating questions and interviewing both Chacham Aryeh Greenberg and Rabbi Owen about the sessions that they had taught that day. Below is the synthesized information. This project was a collaborated effort between myself (Makena), Rabbi Owen, and Chacham Aryeh: Chacham Aryeh has […]
S.A.B.T at S.A.C (Shiva Asar B’Tammuz at Sephardic Adventure Camp)
We have just recently broken the fast of Shiva Asar B’Tammuz, the 17th of Tammuz, here at Sephardic Adventure Camp. Those campers who were fasting filled their bellies with delicious Chinese stir fry and are now headed to the lodge with gooey brownies in hand to watch “Wreck it Ralph.” Today at S.A.C, our educational […]