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At Sephardic Adventure Camp, Every Camper Has a Place, A Voice, A Legacy

Your support of Sephardic Adventure Camp enables us to provide our campers with a summer that builds independence and self-reliance as well as Jewish friendships and identity that last a lifetime. 

The Sephardic Adventure Camp experience means Jewish kids from across the globe participate in a one of a kind wholistic, meaningful, and fun summer experience infused with Sephardic tradition, customs, and flavors.  Your support and generosity allow us to strengthen and grow our camp programming and bring together campers to experience the magic of SAC.

At SAC, every gift makes a difference.

Thank you for your generosity.


How To Donate:

Credit Card: Click the donate button below to be connected to PayPal’s secure server to process your donation.

Check: Checks may be mailed to Sephardic Adventure Camp, PO Box 28511, Seattle, WA 98118

Legacy Giving: Contact

The continuity of Sephardic Adventure Camp is due to the numerous people who have, over its 60-year history, enthusiastically given so much of their time, energy, and resources.  We are so grateful to all our supporters!  

                          All Together Now

Special thanks to the Samis Foundation, Harold Grinspoon Foundation, and Isaac Alhadeff Foundation for their generous support of Sephardic Adventure Camp! 

Thank You to All Our 2024 Donors

Over the years, we have received generous donations from many individuals, families, and organizations who understand the long-term, positive impact that Sephardic Adventure Camp has on our children.

We extend a huge thank you to all our donors who, through their generous contributions, preserve the continuity of our camp. 

Individual Donors:

Diamante $10000+

Robert and Leah Gladstein
Joel and Maureen Benoliel

Rubi $5000- $9,999

Dr. Joe and Michelle Mezistrano
Jack and Adina Almo

Platino $1000-$4999

Carl and Joann Bianco
Dave and Terry Azose
Beth and David Jacoby
Elana and Josh Zana
Isaac Varon and Susan Marks
Lea and Ben Lipman
Paul and Tamar Azous
Ilana and Ari Robicsek
Cynthia and Ilya Gamel
Steven Weinstein in memory of Esther Chiprut

Oro $500-$999

Al and Jeanie Maimon
Michael Albeldas
Joyce and Isaac Ben-Ezra
Marc and Lori Ben-Ezra
Rabbi Ben and Sharona Hassan
Lynne Behar
David and Vicki Benoliel
Tzvika and Libby Pollack
Ruben Owen
David and Sigrid Benezra
Dianne Mortensen
Michal Jacoby

Plata $180-$499

Connie Kanter
Simon and Amy Amiel
Mo and Helene Azose
David and Audrey Aboulafia
Louise Chiprut and Leonard Berman
Joy and David Maimon
Ben Varon
Ethan Marcus
Sandy Varon
Rabbi Kenny and Ilana Pollack
Al Benoliel
Leon Cohen
Allen Israel
Shelly and Bernard Baseri
Rabbi David and Ruth Adatto
Moshe Friedman
Allen Israel
Karen Ashkenazi
Rose Allen
Moshe Friedman
Dianne Mortensen
Dana and Rena Behar
Dina and Jon Kaufthal

Bronza Up to $180
Liz Azose
Dr. Elie and Miriam Levy
Jake Kohenak
Harry Rubin
Leon Cohen
Esther and Yosi Avrahamy
Larry and Janey Jassen
Zack Ben-Ezra
Abraham and Yael Caro
Jeff and Dalia Amon
Rena Schlanger
Jill Paul
Naftali and Tali Rothstein
Kim Isaac
Lilly DeJaen
Steven Steinbock

We also extend a huge thanks to our institutional donors, whose partnerships provide direct scholarships and crucial support to camp and our camper families.  

Institutional Donors:

Affordable Kosher
Amazon Smile Foundation
Isaac Alhadeff Foundation
Congregation Ezra Bessaroth
Ezra Bessaroth Ladies Auxiliary
Foundation for Jewish Camp
Harold Grinspoon Foundation
JCamp 180
Jewish Federation of Broward County
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Jewish Federation of Las Vegas
Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
One Happy Camper
Oregon Jewish Community Foundation
Samis Foundation
Seattle Sephardic Brotherhood
Sephardi Federation of Palm Beach County
Sephardic Bikur Holim
Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America