Savoring the Art of Boyiko Baking at SAC!

You could tell something delicious was going on when you walked into the dining hall at SAC on Wednesday, June 30th.  That’s because Joy Maimon and her daughter Rosie Maimon (both of Seattle) were baking Cheese Boyikos with the SAC campers.  The smell of these savory parmesan cookies permeated the air.  Cabin by cabin filed through the dining hall to learn the art of making Boyikos with Joy and Rosie.  And bowls of Boyikos were being delivered around camp for everyone to enjoy!

Our Sephardic Baking program at camp offers experiential Sephardic cultural learning that the campers can take back and try at home.  It is a very tangible (and tasty) way that we can connect our campers to their unique history.  This cultural experience and others, like Ladino 101, hearing Joha stories at Coca en la Boca, and the special way we sing Birkat Hamazon ending with “Ya Kamimos”, are just a few of the many ways that make SAC so unique and set us apart from any other camp!     

Special thanks to Joy and Rosie Maimon for coordinating our Sephardic Baking project and working with our campers.  And a big shout out and Mersi Muncho to Jack and Adina Almo for their generous sponsorship of this wonderful program.  To learn more about our experiential Sephardic learning at SAC or to sponsor one of our many unique programs, please contact the SAC Office via email to

Cheese Boyiko Recipe

1 cup oil

⅔ cup ice water

2 cups parmesan 

½ teaspoon baking soda

2 ½ – 2 ¾ cups flour

Mix first three ingredients.  Add baking soda and flour. Mix.  Roll into balls, and press with fork. Bake at 375 degrees until slightly golden. 

July 2, 2021 · by  · in SAC Blog · Tags:

1 Comment

  1. Leora Alhadeff says:

    yum! Never added baking soda before. will try!